Free thermosphere density and wind data from the CHAMP, GRACE, GRACE-FO, GOCE, and Swarm missions.
Update on March 18, 2025: Uploaded POD-derived Swarm density data (version 02) covering January 2025.
Update on March 16, 2025: Uploaded POD-derived Swarm density data (version 02) covering the period from 2014 to 2024. We implemented a new processing method in this new version, in which the smoothing adapts to the expected signal strength. The method maximises the density signal-to-noise ratio, substantially increasing the data quality.
The data can be accessed via our anonymous FTP server using an FTP client (e.g. FileZilla). Enter as the host and anonymous as the username.
If you use the data on this webpage, please cite our publications.
Accelerometer-derived density data
N. Hładczuk, J. van den IJssel, T. Kodikara, K., C. Siemes, P. Visser (2023) GRACE-FO radiation pressure modelling for accurate density
and crosswind retrieval. Advances in Space Research.
C. Siemes, C. Borries, S. Bruinsma, I. Fernandez-Gomez, N. Hładczuk, J. van den IJssel, T. Kodikara, K. Vielberg, P. Visser (2023) New Thermosphere Neutral Mass Density and Crosswind Datasets from CHAMP, GRACE, and GRACE-FO. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate.
G. March, J. van den IJssel, C. Siemes, P. Visser, E. Doornbos, M. Pilinski (2021) Gas-surface interactions modelling influence on satellite aerodynamics and thermosphere density. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 11: 54.
C. Siemes, J. de Teixeira da Encarnação, E. N. Doornbos, J. van den IJssel, J. Kraus, R. Pereštý, L. Grunwaldt, G. Apelbaum, J. Flury and P. E. Holmdahl Olsen (2016) Swarm accelerometer data processing from raw accelerations to thermospheric neutral densities. Earth, Planets and Space, 68: 92.
E. N. Doornbos (2012) Thermosphere density and wind determination from satellite dynamics. Dissertation, Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-642-25129-0 (free PDF version)
Satellite geometry and aerodynamic models
G. March, E. N. Doornbos and P. N. M. A. Visser (2019) High-fidelity geometry models for improving the consistency of CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE and Swarm thermospheric density data sets. Advances in Space Research 63: 213–238.
G. March, E. N. Doornbos and P. N. M. A. Visser (2019) CHAMP and GOCE thermospheric wind characterization with improved gas-surface interactions modelling. Advances in Space Research 64: 1225–1242.
GNSS-derived density data
J. van den IJssel, E. Doornbos, E. Iorfida, G. March, C. Siemes, O. Montenbruck (2020) Thermosphere densities derived from Swarm GPS observations. Advances in Space Research.
P. Visser and J. van den IJssel J (2016) Orbit determination and estimation of non-gravitational accelerations for the GOCE reentry phase. Advances in Space Research 58: 1840–1853.
The original data was obtained from the following sources
CHAMP data: GFZ's Information System and Data Center
GOCE and Swarm data: ESA's Earth Online webpage
GRACE and GRACE-FO data: NASA's Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC)
Accelerometer and density data processing
GNSS data processing
GNSS data processing
Aerodynamic modelling
Radiation pressure modelling
GRACE/GRACE-FO accelerometer transplant
Accelerometer, density and wind data processing
Wind data processing
Geometry and aerodynamic modelling
Density data processing
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